Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Hike

Today, Monday, April 10th, I woke up in a hostel in the south in the desert, at about 4:35 in the morning.  In the bed across from me, Jonah was lying asleep.  In the bed diagonal from me, my mom and dad rested.  My mom woke up and I whispered to her, "It is 4:35. Shouldn't we get up now?"  "Sure," said my mom.  So we got up and once my mom, my dad, Grammy, Papa, Jonah, and I had gotten up, we started toward our cars.  Once everyone was in the cars, we started to a place called Mt. Masada.  Finally.  We got to Masada and started up.  In about a half an hour we saw the sun as it started to rise on the horizon.

It was amazing!  What do you think?  Cool!  Anyway, Jonah and my dad were really fast and they went way ahead of Grammy, Papa, Mommy and me.  Well, as much work as it was, we got to the top in the end.  I forgot to mention that this hike was about 45 minutes to an hour.  It was a long hike, but worth it.  This is the order in which we arrived at the top:  Jonah and Daddy, Liana, Grammy, Papa, Mommy.

It was amazing but I think we all needed showers afterwards!  Watch!


  1. Nice job! When we were there we also hiked up in the early morning so we could watch the sun rise over the Dead Sea.

    Love your photos. Makes me almost feel like I am there with you!

  2. Liana,
    I'm sooooooo impressed that you hiked up to Masada! I'm a cable car person.
    Aunt Jo
