Thursday, April 7, 2011

Eesh Yarok Ve Eesh Adome

You are probably wondering:  What does the title of this mean anyway?  Well, you are about to find out.  An eesh is a man in Hebrew and yarok and adome are colors.  Yarok is green and adome is red.  This story takes place during and before the Jewish holiday, Purim.  For those of you who aren't Jewish, Purim is a holiday where you get to dress up as something and parade around in it.  It's like Halloween exept without the candy, although, sometimes candy  is included in the Purim carnivals to add to the fun.  Anyway, I couldn't think of anything to be for Purim and it was so close that I figured I might as well be nothing.  But, my dad came up with an idea.  Since on that day I figured I could put on a lot of my green clothes and I decided to be a green person, and we had to wear costumes to school that day anyway, my dad said:  Why don't we be the red and green people that show up on the walk/don't walk signs when we are and aren't alowed to cross the street on a cross walk?  You love green and I could be red!  So that day, me and my dad went to some stores and a mall to get some green and red clothing and fun things to add to our costumes.  In the end we looked like this:

                                    Well, what do you think?  Pretty funny right?  Well, more blogging to be done!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jay and Liana,
    What clever Purim costumes! Aunt Jo
