Friday, April 22, 2011

Candles, Candles, and More Candles

 So...... Ready to see and hear about something amazing that I've done and forgotten to put on this blog?  I bet you are!  I took a trip to a place called Safed, {Tzfat} and saw a number of amazing things.  One of them is this:  I went to a place in Tzfat called Tzvat Candles.  It's a store with nothing but candles inside.  I wouldn't be surprised if the whole building was made of wax!  But then it would melt in the sun.  Basically, people stay at a factory all day and work with wax to make candles.  Then they bring them to the store and other people sell them.  Let's see what you think:


Noo?  {Well?}  What do you think?  It took me a long time to figure out which pictures to put on, they're all so special.  Can you imagine, all of those things were made with wax!  {even the Firebolt brooms from the Harry Potter series} I wanted one of the little ones like a duck, book, or owl.  But I couldn't because I wouldn't be able to light it.  It makes sense though.  You don't want to watch a little peguin or book burn!  And besides, they cost a lot of money.  It was fun looking at them though.  We bought new Shabbat candles and Jonah and I were allowed to buy one small candle that we could light because it wasn't one of the tiny, tiny ones.  I had a wonderful time in the world of candle making!  More blogging to be done soon!


  1. I love that store too! I remember getting lost in there for a couple of hours... Love your photos!

  2. Liana,
    Your pictures are great. I love the Noah's Ark display.
    Aunt Jo
