Monday, April 11, 2011

The Amazing Museum

It's me again!  I wanted to tell you about some of the things that I've done and I haven't written about on this blog yet.  I went with my dad to a museum called The Bible Lands Museum.  It was pretty cool and I learned a lot.  I don't remember so much because it was a while ago.  All that I remember is that I was taught a hard word to read and I nailed it in the the end!  But I don't remember what it meant.  You were given a map and you had to follow the instructions on how to get from place to place in the museum.  Let me put out some pictures and then see what you think.

                                                           Huh?  What do you think?  I think it was
                                                          pretty fun!  Oh wait, I forgot something!
                                                          This part is for my fourth grade class.  The
                                                           last picture is of me reading a long story.  Above the
                                                          story is a huge model of three pyramids and the
                                                          largest one is of the Great Pyramid, something that we
                                                          learned about in one of our lessons in Wordly Wise
                                                          which I thought was pretty awesome!

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