Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dialogue in the Dark

Hello again, this is my last post before my closing post.  I went to one more place before I came home.  It was in a city called Cholon, which is right outside Tel Aviv.  There is a museum there and I went to it.  My mom and I went to an exhibit there called Dialogue in the Dark, which is an exhibit showing people how it feels to be blind.  You go into a dark room, seriously, you couldn't see your own hand in front of your face if you tried, and a guide, who is blind, leads you around and "shows" you all these different places, like, a market, a house, a sidwalk of a busy street, a sound room, but everything was in absolute, total darkness!  I have no idea how they do it, but your eyes couldn't adjust to the darkness.  At the end, our guide took us to a cafe and we ate and talked, in total darkness!!  I was scared at the beginning, but I got over it.  I'm glad I did too.  Well, that was my last amazing activity on my dad's sabbatical.

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