Friday, May 6, 2011

The Kinneret: Visit and Guest-house

Like I promised!  The Kinneret!  I haven't blogged in a while and I apologize.  But don't worry, I will get you caught up soon!  Let's see to explain, how to explain.....ah yes!  The Kinneret basically is one of the main water sources of Israel.  Its a lake, you see.  I was at a 'Kinneret Guest-house' for a two night trip with my parents and grandparents and, of course, Jonah!  On the first day at the guest-house, we saw the Kinneret from a point near the guest-house.  The Kinneret is also called the Sea of Galilee.  It is in the shape of something called King David's Harp.  David was a king of Israel but I'm not going onto that path, let's stay right where we are!  Anyway, the Sea of Galilee guest-house is a cozy place, practically hidden by leaves and branches and flowers.  It's a bed and breakfast sort of thing.  On the second day there, we drove up to Safed, {Tzfat} which you heard about in the post Candles, Candles and More Candles and also in the post Its a Rainbow!  I want to add one more thing about Safed:  While we drove to get there, I noticed that that town is so high up in the sky, we drove through clouds to get there! Later, when we had gotten back, we went on a sort of hike right next to the Kinneret, but it was rainy and the path was real muddy and we had mud coming up to the half point place on our sneakers!  It was a muddy, but fun experience!  I'll give you some pictures to look at to give you something to look at besides words!

Those are all the pictures I could find but I'm going to give you more in the next post about my trip to Safed!  Or maybe something else.

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