Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Something That Saved My Life

Hey!  You're probably wondering why I named this what I did.  Well, lets find out!  One day, while my mom, Jonah, and I were out getting ice cream at a place called Aldo, my mom went across the street to check on a pool that was going to open soon.  Jonah and I went to meet her after we had finished our ice cream.  The pool had opened and after doing a lot of math and thinking, my mom decided to get a manooey, which is a membership in Hebrew.  We went swimming that day.  It was really fun!  There is a smaller out-door pool, and a huge in-door one.  We swam in the out-door one.  It was soooooooooooo fun!  Let me show you.

 It was really fun!  I liked it.  If the weather is all right, we might go today!  May 7th 2011!  That pool saved me from not going swimming this whole trip to Israel!

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