Saturday, May 7, 2011

The One of a Kind Passover Vacation

Besides going to the Dead Sea, Masada and Ein Gedi, I had a pretty fun filled Passover vacation.  For those of you who don't know what Passover is, it is a Jewish holiday that Jews celebrate because of the time the Jews worked as slaves for a man called Pharoh in Egypt and when they were allowed to leave, the bread they were going to take with them didn't rise as fast as they wanted it to, so they put the dough on their backs so it would rise in the sun, but they ended up having a flat cracker sort of thing called Matza, which is a food you eat during Passover.  Anyway, after we'd gotten back from the Dead Sea and Masada, we drove to a town called Ashquelon {ash-ke-lon} to have our first Passover seder.  A seder is a feast that you have to celebrate the holiday.  It was at my mom's cousin's cousin's parents house.  After, we drove to a small apartment building where we stayed for the night.  In the morning we had breakfast at the same place we'd had the seder.  Near noon that day, we drove behind someone who is also my mom's cousin's cousin and we traveled for about an hour and a 1/2 untill we got all the way to a desert called the Negev.  It is on the border of Egypt which is another country next to Israel.  My mom's cousin's cousin, Sara, has a husband, two children, two dogs and a cat.  All of them mostly speak Hebrew, {exept the dogs and cat, they don't speak at all} but they spoke pretty fluently in English too.  Their kids are four and two years old, so I was the oldest kid there.  We stayed over there too, in another apartment building.  The people who really live there but were on vacation somewhere else, have two dogs and two cats.  It was animal heaven for me, but the house smelled of cat litter.  EEWW!  The day after, we went and played on some sand dunes and took a hike in the desert.  Also, we took a trip to my mom's cousin's cousin's husband's tomato plant.  After that, we went home to Jerusalem and stayed back at our apartment for a while and THEN, got on a bus back down to the Negev to a place named Ain Ovdat and Lehavim.  We met some people that my mom had met while Israeli dancing in St. Louis, Missouri.  They now have three kids.  Two daughters and one son.  The oldest's name is Chen, then Gilad, and the youngest, Gal.  We stayed over at their house too, and Gal and I watched a movie called Tangled.  The next day, Gal's friend came over and we all went into the desert and took a long hike up a steep mountain.  It was kind of fun.  There were ladders that you had to climb, and steep, narrow steps to make your way up.  We took the bus home that night and when we got home, we all went straight to bed.  You can guess, that was a pretty fun vacation.  Take a look:  I got a ton of pictures to show you:
 Tomato plant
 The place that smells of cat litter.
 In the Negev with my mom's cousin's cousin's family eating matza covered with chocolate spread
 Tomato plant
 The place we stayed at in the desert that smelled of cat litter.
 Tomato plant
 Sand dunes
 Us in the Negev with my mom's cousin's cousin's family eating popcicles.
 Those are the pictures of us in the Negev with my mom's cousin's cousin's family.
 Here are the people in this picture from left to right:  Gal's friend, Jonah, Liana, Gal.
 Those are the pictures of us on the hike with my mom's friends from Israeli dance.
This is me and Gal reading Harry Potter in two different languages.  Cool, huh?

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